Full Circle

Some people don’t know this, but I dabbled in real estate sales right after college. I loved the idea of real estate and I obviously loved looking at the homes. I would wander through each property and day dream about what I would change, what walls I would knock down, and how I would decorate. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), I was TERRIBLE at selling real estate. I have to believe in the product I’m selling, and as a new agent, I wasn’t exactly showing clients homes as nice as the ones I get to photograph today. Ultimately, I ended up using my marketing and photography skills to help other realtors in my office instead of trying to sell homes myself.

The other week, I was thinking about a particular home that I had toured when it was on the market almost 8 years ago. I wasn’t sure why I was thinking of that home, but it was stuck in my head. Later that week, I arrived on a kitchen shoot with my friend and designer, Lauren O’Donnell of Lauren O’Donnell Interiors.  As we pulled up to the house, I saw that it was the exact home I had been thinking about earlier that week.

It’s so funny how life works out. My first job out of college was touring homes of all kinds thinking about how to make them beautiful. I got to look at homes that I wanted to transform and I remember most of them. I love that I ended up coming back to that home and seeing it perfectly designed and transformed, just like my career has transformed over the years. It all comes full circle. Enjoy a few of my favorite shots from this one.

Design by: Lauren O’Donnell Interiors

Florals by: North Bloom



  1. What a fun story…so happy we get to share this journey together!

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